Friday, February 27, 2009

Many people seem to not understand nor comprehend what is occuring in the world around us. Whether out of ignorance or stupidity the world has become a breeding ground for the worst kinds of evil. Left to our own selves, which is a horric thought as it is, mankind has seen fit to commit some of the most savage atrocities against its fellow members of society. Societal evils have plagued mankind since the beginning of time. It would appear to me and furthermore to all those with at least half a brain that we are on the highway to destruction unless some force, some great power that trancends our limited understanding. If this force, this great power does not step in at the most crucial period of time than we as a creation are lost and all of this has been for naught. All of our technology, all of our dreams, all of our aspirations would mean absolutely nothing, That is why I say we must regain our understanding of the Creator as a merciful and benevolent God. What is that you say? How can I dare say that God is merciful? How can I say this in the face of terroism, abortion, violence, war, disease, etc. I can tell you how. It may be a hard pill to swallow to some but it makes all the since in the world to me. Elaborate you ask? Gladly. First off many people ask how in the world can God allow a innocent person to die? This question has been asked over and over again by many people and is undoubtably the strongest so called "evidence" that God does not exist. This is a eay question to answer most so called believers just don't know how to answer it or don't think people want to hear the answer that they have. I will tell you why innocent people die. THEY AREN'T INNOCENT!! There is no such thing as a innocent person, myself included, and in this human ruled society there never will be. Until the day the reedemer intervenes in the affairs of man we can expect a intensity in hate and violence. Until all things which oppose the authority of the Creator of the Universe have been completely obliterated we must endure mankinds ineffective and corrupted rulership.

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