Friday, February 27, 2009

Many people seem to not understand nor comprehend what is occuring in the world around us. Whether out of ignorance or stupidity the world has become a breeding ground for the worst kinds of evil. Left to our own selves, which is a horric thought as it is, mankind has seen fit to commit some of the most savage atrocities against its fellow members of society. Societal evils have plagued mankind since the beginning of time. It would appear to me and furthermore to all those with at least half a brain that we are on the highway to destruction unless some force, some great power that trancends our limited understanding. If this force, this great power does not step in at the most crucial period of time than we as a creation are lost and all of this has been for naught. All of our technology, all of our dreams, all of our aspirations would mean absolutely nothing, That is why I say we must regain our understanding of the Creator as a merciful and benevolent God. What is that you say? How can I dare say that God is merciful? How can I say this in the face of terroism, abortion, violence, war, disease, etc. I can tell you how. It may be a hard pill to swallow to some but it makes all the since in the world to me. Elaborate you ask? Gladly. First off many people ask how in the world can God allow a innocent person to die? This question has been asked over and over again by many people and is undoubtably the strongest so called "evidence" that God does not exist. This is a eay question to answer most so called believers just don't know how to answer it or don't think people want to hear the answer that they have. I will tell you why innocent people die. THEY AREN'T INNOCENT!! There is no such thing as a innocent person, myself included, and in this human ruled society there never will be. Until the day the reedemer intervenes in the affairs of man we can expect a intensity in hate and violence. Until all things which oppose the authority of the Creator of the Universe have been completely obliterated we must endure mankinds ineffective and corrupted rulership.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Present Condition of the world

I can not believe in my short time upon this earth how inhumane and violent the human being really is. Our newspapers and televisions are constantly bombarded with human decay and depravity. There is no being more vicious or more aggressive or arrogant than humans. The human mind has been deluded and left to our own devices we have become nothing more than modern day barbarians masked in so called "human intelligence". Our advancement in technology has not advanced our most basic human instinct which is destruction. Since the first man walked the earth this planet has know nothing but obliteration. Our limited thinking and arrogant ways have turned this planet into a wasteland. Just think of how many have died through war, famine, drought, disease, pestilence, infections and a flurry of other manners of seath to numerous to list. Has it been a glorious existence upon this earth? Do the good times outweigh the bad? Has our existence been more of a help to this universe or a hindrance? Just look at human history...racism, sexism, war, violence,and of course confusion. How many politicians have promised much but delivered few? How many promises made have become promises broken? How many more lying, decieving, self serving politicans regardless of their skin color are we going to wait in long lines on election day to put in office? You know Websters Dictionary defines delusion as "something that is falsely believed or propagated or a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary". In that case we have all been lied to or deluded. The very same people who make big promises never fulfill the promises they made and yet it never fails we ctizens of this country go out of our way to put them in office as if anything was going to change. I say we as adults have all been blinded by the "god " of this system and our existence on this earth will not endure. We will not last. You either believe it by now or not. As a member of the armed forces of this country and college educated man I believe that I have earned a right to speak out on a few things. My fellow Americans. My fellow human beings we are getting dangerously close to the end of this present human age. Like all things great and small that had a beginning we must prepare for the earth's eventual end. The earth itself will not be destroyed we know because Yahweh our God Creator and Sustainer said in Psalm 78:69 " I God have founded the earth FOREVER. It is the evil and wickedness that will be destroyed and that day draws near. I welcome Yahweh. Just ponder for a moment. What has our existence absent from God really accompilshed? Improved Military Tactics and Equipment? That just means we can kill ourselves more expediently. Improved healthcare? Tell that to those who have died without it? All Yahweh ask is for our obedience. His requirements are not burdensome. Your government require and asks more from you the God has or ever will and behold he has given us graciously 6,000 years or so of "free time" to get our stuff together. To live apart from our Creator. He has still provided for us in limited way knowing fully our campaign to govern ourselves apart from him would end in disaster. Our whole existence absent from God has been a failure. We have failed miserably. What good is all that we have if we can not enjoy it? What good is improved food sources to a starving child in Somalia? There has not been in the history of the world more wealth accumulated by those at the top than there is now? How many of these people would be willing to give up there wealth and live as a common man? This is nothing new. Jesus/Yeshua was asked by a rich man what he had to do to inheirit ' Yahweh' s kingdom. Luke 18:18 Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Yahweh has allowed us to "experiment" with life completely separated from him. This is a example in the age to come that we will regret ever having to go through. When we realize how easy it was and how loving and caring our Creator is we will realize our error. Satan has captivated the hearts and minds of many. He has convinced the ages that he dosen' t exist. What better way to win a war than through deception. He is spiritually murdering us. He is working behind the scenes and he has much help but ultimately he will be defeated. God is allowing time for those who have not yet found him to find him. Atheism is not new. When Jesus was dragged before Pontus Pilate he was asked where was his mighty God because he did not see him. Jesus said, "Because you have not looked for him". Have we really looked for him? Do we doubt him soley on world conditions? When has mankind been any different? Mankind has always been evil and violent. So that is a invalid argument. Because the winds are blowing in that direction people think that atheism must be right? I caution anyone not to do or agree with something just because it is the popular thing to do. Slavery and the murdering of babies and Jews and other ethnic minorities were all popular things to do and in some instances still are. How many people agree that this is or was right? Why not? Was it not popular? PROFITABLE? You see when it all boils down to it humans are truly detestable creatures and without God's power and help we are on a path to destruction. Incessantly pray that Yahweh intervenes or are we are lost already...